Turtle Crossing Game Analysis1. The turtle moves forward when the 'up' key is pressed. It cannot move in any other direction.2. Cars are randomly generated at the right edge of the screen and move towards the left edge.3. When the turtle reaches the top of the screen, it returns to its original position and progresses to the next level, where the cars' speed increases.4. If the turtle collide..
Ping-pong game logic analysis:1. Create the screen 2. Create and move paddle 3. Create another paddle 4. Create the ball and make it move 5. Detect collision with wall and bounce 6. Detect collision with paddle 7. Detect when paddle misses 8. Keep score main.pyfrom turtle import Turtle, Screenfrom paddle import Paddlefrom ball import Ballimport timefrom scoreboard import Scoreboardscreen = Scre..
Topology?Topology refers to the physical or logical arrangement of devices connected in a network. Physical topology: It refers to the actual layout of buildings and the physical placement of devices.→ This includes where servers, switches, firewalls, and printers are physically located. Logical topology: It refers to the way data flows through the network Wired Topologies:Bus Topology: All de..
Data Insert→ INSERT INTO cats(name, age) VALUES('Juwon', 7), ("Seyeon", 8); Indicate all data from table→ SELCET * FROM cats; Disallow NULL data from the table field[ If the name and age fields are not populated when entering data, an error will occur. ]→ CREATE TABLE cats ( name VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL, age INT NOT NULL ); Insert a small apostrophe into the table data.→ INSERT ..
Requirements (The highlighted parts are the ones covered this time):1. Create a snake body2. Move the snake3. Control the snake4. Detect collision with food5. Create a scoreboard6. Detect collision with wall (The game should display "Game Over" and the snake should stop moving)7. Detect collision with tail (The game should end when the snake's head touches its own body) main.pyfrom turtle impor..
Before studying the details of each network system, I studied the overall roles of each network system. Networking Protocols: Rules used when networks communicate with each other. Physical Protocols: Deal with physical connections and transmission media (cables, connectors, electrical characteristics of signals).Logical Protocols: Define and control how data is transmitted (data format, addressi..