Requirements (The highlighted parts are the ones covered this time):1. Create a snake body 2. Move the snake 3. Control the snake4. Detect collision with food 5. Create a scoreboard 6. Detect collision with wall (The game should display "Game Over" and the snake should stop moving) 7. Detect collision with tail (The game should end when the snake's head touches its own body) snake.pyfrom turtle..
What is the Computer Network?Connecting two computers to share resources (Physical connection or Logical connection):Physical connection: Cables, wires (Communication is possible through interface cards that connect the cables)Logical connection: The means by which data itself is transmitted logically through the wires (data bits, protocols, etc.) Basic Networking Rules:1. To communicate with ea..
Requirements:1. At the start, the user is prompted to place a bet on which turtle will win by entering the turtle's color. 2. The turtles are represented in rainbow colors. 3. When the race begins, all the turtles are aligned at the starting position and race towards the right edge of the screen. 4. Once a turtle crosses the finish line, the user is informed whether they won or lost the ..
I reviewed the concepts of object-oriented programming that I learned in college, and I studied how to apply object-oriented principles by coding a simple game in python This time, while studying object-oriented programming in Python,I learned why the `__init__` method is necessary when creating objects. Here's why the __init__ method is important:1. It allows you to define and initialize the at..
import logoimport randomimport oseasy = 10hard = 5def set_number(): """ Computer choose random number """ return random.randint(1, 100)def set_level(level): """ User choose the level""" if level == "easy": print("You have 10 attempts") return easy elif level == "hard": print("You have 5 attempts") return hard else: print("Enter easy and hard c..
I read a great article on how to grow as a cloud engineer. After reading it, I created my own roadmap, a study plan to follow. List After Python: 1. Network Course (Online Course) 2. Database Course (Online Course) 3. Linux Server Hacking and Security through Simulated Hacking (2022 Book) 4. AWS Textbook (2023 Book) 5. Introduction to CI/CD Deployment wit..