Network_How to Network Systems work?

Before studying the details of each network system, 
I studied the overall roles of each network system.


Networking Protocols: Rules used when networks communicate with each other.

Physical Protocols: Deal with physical connections and transmission media 
(cables, connectors, electrical characteristics of signals).
Logical Protocols: Define and control how data is transmitted 
(data format, addressing, error detection).

OSI: A theoretical model for the flow of data from one system to another through a network. 
It consists of 7 different layers.

Upper Layers [Layers 4-7]: Handled by host systems – activities that occur in the computer.

(data formatting, encryption, connection management)
Lower Layers [Layers 1-3]: Responsible for data transmission and management - activities that occur in the network.

(framing, addressing, flow control) 


OSI 계층 동작 흐름


TCP/IP: The OSI model is a reference model for effectively representing network flow,
but the commonly used set of protocols is TCP/IP.


Media Access Control(MAC): The MAC address is the physical address of a network card
and is associated with OSI Layer 2 or TCP/IP Layer 1. The address is represented in hexadecimal.


IP Addresses: IP stands for Internet Protocol, and an IP address represents a logical address.
It is associated with OSI Layer 3 or TCP/IP Layer 2.




Half Duplex: Data can be sent and received, but not at the same time.

Full Duplex: Data can be sent and received simultaneously.


Network Transmission Types: Unicast, Multicast, Broadcast


Unicast (One-to-One): PC1 sends data to PC2.

Multicast (One-to-Many): PC1 sends data to a group of PCs.

Broadcast (One-to-All): PCs send/receive broadcasts to communicate with all other devices on the network.


Ethernet: It provides physical components (such as cables, connectors, and equipment)
that enable access to the network and is a standard protocol for building Local Area Networks (LANs).


Cisco Packet Tracer

In the future, while studying more in-depth network concepts,
I will use the 'Cisco Packet Tracer' program to experiment with and understand real network flows.

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