Layer 2 - It is responsible for managing data flow and error control between communication devices within the same LAN network. - When communicating with networks in different LAN segments, Layer 3 is required. MAC address(6bytes) used in Layer 2- It is a physical address with a unique value (in hexadecimal). - The first 6 digits represent the OUI (Organizationally Unique Identifier), which..
Topology?Topology refers to the physical or logical arrangement of devices connected in a network. Physical topology: It refers to the actual layout of buildings and the physical placement of devices.→ This includes where servers, switches, firewalls, and printers are physically located. Logical topology: It refers to the way data flows through the network Wired Topologies:Bus Topology: All de..
Before studying the details of each network system, I studied the overall roles of each network system. Networking Protocols: Rules used when networks communicate with each other. Physical Protocols: Deal with physical connections and transmission media (cables, connectors, electrical characteristics of signals).Logical Protocols: Define and control how data is transmitted (data format, addressi..
What is the Computer Network?Connecting two computers to share resources (Physical connection or Logical connection):Physical connection: Cables, wires (Communication is possible through interface cards that connect the cables)Logical connection: The means by which data itself is transmitted logically through the wires (data bits, protocols, etc.) Basic Networking Rules:1. To communicate with ea..