A protocol for exchanging data over a network.
- It simply serves to send data to distant locations.
- Data is not guaranteed to be fully delivered.
- It consists of 20 bytes, with an option to add extra fields.
- Version: Specifies the version of IPv (Internet Protocol version).
- IHL: The length of the protocol (can grow up to 60 bytes if options are added) divided by 4.
This is divided by 4 to express lengths up to 60 bytes within a single byte.
- Type of Service: Indicates whether the data is of high importance
(not commonly used nowadays).
- Total Length: The overall length, including the encapsulated data from the upper layer.
- Identification: After splitting large data into fragments,
this field is used to mark each fragment so that they can be recognized
as parts of the same original data.
- IP Flags: The first 1-bit value is unused. D controls whether the packet can be fragmented,
and M indicates that the current packet is part of a fragmented set of data.
- Fragment Offset: Shows the distance of the fragment from the beginning of the original data,
allowing the recipient to reassemble the data fragments in the correct order.
Time To Live (TTL): Specifies how long a packet can remain active.
Each time the packet passes through a Layer 3 device, its TTL is decreased by 1.
When TTL reaches 0, the packet is discarded.
The default TTL values vary by operating system: Windows typically uses 128, Linux uses 64.
By examining the TTL, one can infer the operating system of the data source.
Protocol: Indicates which upper-layer protocol is being used.
Header Checksum: Used to detect errors in the packet by comparing checksum values.
Source Address, Destination Address: IP addresses of the source and destination.
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