Cloud_Studying mobility edge computing in the Lab

In my second year of college, even though I had no specific goals, 
I joined a lab researching software quality driven by a desire to study hard. 
For four months, I read and analyzed books on software quality and 
papers on mobility edge services. 


At that time, I found reading papers very difficult due to my lack of basic concepts in software. 
While working as an undergraduate researcher, 
I felt I wanted to spend more time preparing for a student exchange program and
 learning basic concepts of software rather than studying in the lab. 
Therefore, I ended my lab activities. 


However, now in my junior year of college, as I study AWS services and the cloud,
I realize that the experience taught me how to read papers and
the importance of edge computing, and
I am grateful to my professor for giving me such an important experience.


I'm uploading files where I briefly summarized the outlines of papers
I read during my undergraduate research days.


software fault prediction a road map 중간 발표.pptx

about software quality

Software Fault Prediction A Road Map ch.4~6 2022-01-17.pptx

about software quality


BECS 프로젝트 설명.pptx

  brief summary of what I studied and read papers about mobile edge computing